The Food Bank of Alava and BASQUEVOLT collaborate for the ‘International Charity Day’
With the help of the Food Bank of Alava, BASQUEVOLT has organised a Food Collection Campaign among its employees in order to help the most disadvantaged groups in Vitoria-Gasteiz on ‘International Charity Day’.
The Food Bank of Alava and BASQUEVOLT collaborate for the ‘International Charity Day’
It is not about giving ‘something’ but about ‘giving oneself’.
At Basquevolt we are committed to respect and inclusion as fundamental values on which to base ourselves and that is why the company supports the cause of the fight against the inequality that generates poverty.
Every 5th September, the United Nations celebrates the ‘International Day of Charity’, with the aim of promoting ‘a real social bond and contributing to the creation of more inclusive and resilient societies’. This date was chosen in honor of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Nobel Peace Prize Winner in 1979, who worked tirelessly with the most disadvantaged. BASQUEVOLT wanted to make a small gesture of solidarity and has organised, together with the Alava Food Bank, a Food Collection Campaign among its employees in order to help the most disadvantaged groups in Vitoria-Gasteiz on this special date.
In this context, BASQUEVOLT wanted to go beyond raising awareness through its social networks, and has joined the daily efforts of the volunteers of the Food Bank of Alava (BAA), an organization that has been helping disadvantaged families and people in Vitoria and throughout Alava for more than 25 years, by donating food and hygiene products through various local NGOs. We are proud to have collaborated with them.